While we waited... and waited... and waited...

5/10/05: * Prayed about international adoption and decided to order information from several different international adoption agency websites.

5/22/05: * The decision was almost too easy… We feel called to adopt a baby girl from China. We also decided that AWAA is the right agency to handle our international adoption!

5/31/05: * Application sent to America World Adoption Association

6/8/05: * Application was approved with AWAA

6/10/05: * Application sent to New Life Christian Adoptions for Home Study

7/1/05: * First of many dossier documents are obtained

7/29/05: * First Home Study Interview with New Life Christian Adoptions

8/3/05: * Doctor’s exams and blood work at Lenoir Family Medicine

8/6/05: * I-600A and fingerprints submitted to U.S.C.I.S. in Charlotte, NC

8/8/05: * Ordered Danny’s original Birth Certificate from Raleigh

8/12/05: * Second Home Study Interview with New Life Christian Adoptions

8/15/05: * Applied for Passports at Clerk of Court office in Lenoir County

8/15/05: * Ordered Police Background Checks at Court House

8/18/05: * Third and Final Home Study Interview with New Life Christian Adoptions

9/12/05: * Began Authentication/Certification process on 7 of our dossier documents

9/15/05: * Received a postcard from Passport Agency saying there is a problem. We were told our Passport Information was lost due to Hurricane Katrina. The US Passport Agency is in New Orleans… who knew!?? (yikes)

9/16/05: * Re-applied for Passports at Clerk of Court in Lenoir County

10/7/05: * Received passports from Charleston Branch of US Passport Agency

10/8/05: * Home Study is completed and sent to U.S.C.I.S.

10/21/05: * Received USCIS approval!!! Yip-pee!

10/25/05: * Remaining documents sent for Authentication/Certification

12/4/05: * FINALLY, our dossier paperwork is complete!!!

12/5/05: * Fed EX’ed our dossier to AWAA

12/6/05: * AWAA received our dossier

12/9/05: * AWAA mailed our dossier to China with “Travel Group 244”

12/13/05: * CCAA signed for dossiers in “Travel Group 244”

12/22/05: * The CCAA logged in our dossier ... (we are officially “paperwork pregnant”) We should get a referral in about 8-9 months.

1/10/06: * Brown Envelope received from the US consulate in China with our Adoption Case number.

2/4/06: * Lots and lots of “delay rumors”…

3/9/06: * Joined BaiJiaBei quilter’s group with fellow AWAA friends and family

3/15/06: * It’s official: The wait has now been extended from referral to LID, 11-12 months total! (ouch)

4/7/06: * Prayed on the way home from work that God would send me a sign of peace. There was a Morning dove resting in the middle of my yard when I pulled into the driveway. The dove wouldn’t move! I asked if he thought he was hurt. Danny said, “No, just waiting, he’s been there for most of the afternoon.” I told him about my prayer on the way home. He said, “Well there’s your sign of peace.” When Danny said this, the dove got up, took a few steps towards us and flew away. We know that God is control and that He has the perfect baby picked out for us. It will be only in His perfect time, and not one minute sooner!

4/15/06: * Picked out a shamrock pattern to mail to friends in BaiJiaBei Quilt Group.

6/11/06: * More delay rumors! We are soooo sad, but know God has a plan! I think I will indulge in some double chocolate, chocolate chuck ice cream tonight…

7/15/06: * Joined another “swap” group. This swap will be monthly. This month we will be exchanging “hair barrettes”… What fun!!

8/5/06: * Finally began working on the BaiJiaBei Quilt.

8/15/06: * More delay rumors… it appears that the CCAA will be pushing referral out 16-18 months from log-in date. This means we won’t travel until mid-summer 2007!!! (double ouch) Decided to again indulge in some double chocolate, chocolate chuck ice cream with homemade oatmeal cookies… (hey, at least I’m admitting to it!)

8/23/06: * Called and wrote Congressman Walter B. Jones office to lobby that bill -“H.R 5888, the ‘Helping Families Adopt Orphans Act,’ be passed, extending current fingerprints and I-600A forms to 24 months. Pray, pray, pray!!!

9/1/06: * New swap this month: “socks”. During last month’s barrette swap, we received so many precious hair barrettes, we can hardly wait to see what will be in the mail!!!

9/6/06: * Decided we needed to go ahead and mail a letter to U.S.C.I.S. to have our fingerprints renewed, just in case Congress drops the ball...

9/19/06: * December LID's are officially out of the Review Room at the CCAA (China Center for Adoption Affairs) This means that we have been evaluated and have met all of the Chinese government's strict criteria for adoption. Our paperwork will now be moved to the "Matching Room"!!! Yeaaaaaaaah God! Yeaaaaaaaah US! This is such good news and has really given us a much-needed spirit boost. The wait will still be a long one... but we have made it this far with God's help, and we know that God will hold our hand the remainder of the way!!!!

10/17/06: * Traveled to USCIS Office in Charlotte, NC to be re-fingerprinted. Fingerprints must stay current to obtain Chinese Visas.

11/15/06: * Received approved fingerprint "update" status from USCIS. Yeaaaaaaahhh!

1/1/07: * Happy New Year 2007! Our New Year's Resolution... to be GREAT PARENTS!!!! We have great faith that Miss Lilli will come home this year. We pray that she is safe and warm & that she is being loved and cared for... We pray that if she hasn't yet been born, that her birth mother will have peace of mind, knowing that Lilli will be provided for... by nurturing, loving parents...dreaming and praying for a daughter just like Lilli!!!

2/6/07: * Homestudy Update with Nicole from New Life Christian Adoptions. A Homestudy Update is required to obtain a new I-171H through the USCIS - Department of Homeland Security. An I-171H is required to obtain a Chinese Visa. A Chinese Visa will allow us to bring Miss Lilli home. More paperwork... but we know Lilli will be worth it! God is sooooo GOOD!!!!

3/5/07: * Referrals came today for those logged-in through 10/24/05... Is the CCAA getting slower or is it just me?

3/6/07: * Mailed USCIS Department of Homeland Security a copy of our "Reaffirmation of Approval" for our fingerprints, copies of our driver's licenses, a newly completed I-600A form and a great BIG check. Our homestudy agency will be supplying them with a updated homestudy and once USCIS receives it... we should receive a new I-171H!!!

4/5/07: * Received updated I-171H in the mail from the USCIS! Wonderful News!!! We are approved AGAIN! Now we will continue to patiently wait for Miss Lilli's referral. The I-171H will be good for 18 months... Let's hope that we don't have to have it updated again. Let's pray Miss Lilli comes home this year!!

4/8/07: * BAD NEWS! The China Center for Adoption Affairs only got through 2 days of dossiers in this batch of referrals. When will this waiting "nightmare" end? While reading my bible this evening, I came across the following scriptures:
"Knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience. But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing." -- James 1: 3 & 4
"I waited patiently in the Lord; and He inclined to me, and heard my cry." -- Psalm 40:1
Both of us are feeling more than a little stressed out, but continue to have faith that God has a plan! He already has Miss Lilli picked out for us and as difficult as this wait may be for us... we must be patient and wait for God!

5/15/07: * Well, Danny has been promoted with the Sheriff's Department! Yip-pee... woooo-hoooo!!!! Danny has patiently waited for this promotion for over 5 years!!! He will have to begin school in August for 16 weeks. You know, God really proves to us in so many ways, that although the wait to be with our daughter is hard, there are reasons!! He shows us His reasons EVERYDAY! It's truly a blessing to have these "signs" of His love and affection everywhere... everyday! In HIS perfect time!! :o)

6/4/07: * Slow down... waaaaaay down! Referrals only came thru 11/7/05... AWAA didn't receive any this month!! We now truly believe that it may be late this year before we get a referral & possibly won't travel to get our precious Lilli until January or February 2008. Boy, oh boy... is she WORTH THE WAIT though! Please keep us in your prayers...
"Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not yet seen." -- Hebrews 11:1
"... the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith." -- Galatians 5:22

8/10/07: * Received "On Deck" Referral notification. Typically, this would be a fantastic email, as these are normally received when your log-in date is about a month or two from referral. BUT... don't get too excited!! The letter included lots of words like "unsure" and "unknown". It will probably be several more months before we get Lilli's referral. My guess... December or January. Please keep praying!!!!

10/6/07: * Woooo-hoooo! My Travel Group #244 buddy Sherri has received a referral for a Special Needs daughter to be named Grace! They signed up in March for SN. Grace is absolutely beautiful!!!! God is sooooo GOOD!!! Sherri, if you don't travel with our group, we feel blessed for having met you. Blessings!!!

11/6/07: * The CCAA has finally referred into December. They officially referred through December 8, 2005. Remember, we are December 22, 2005. My friends Patty and Sherri from my first swap group both received their referrals. Annika and Caroline are adorable. Can't wait to follow your journey girls... the wait has been so long, but soooooo worth it!!! Danny and I feel certain we will receive a referral by January 2008! Yip-pee!!!

11/17/07: * Mailed letter to USCIS to request to be re-fingerprinted for the 3rd and hopefully last time... It's all good! We don't have to pay for this set of fingerprints... just make the drive to Charlotte, NC

12/13/07: * Danny finished BLET and took the State Exam. I am so proud of his accomplishments!!!

12/14/07: * Had our fingerprints taken in Charlotte at USCIS for the 3rd and hopefully final time!!!

1/2/08: * Referrals began to arrive today, but only through 12/19/05 LIDs. Maybe we'll see Lilli's beautiful picture next month... sigh!! Not much longer... HOLD ON!!! February's referrals are just around the corner!

1/4/08: * Referrals came through December 19th 2005, therefore we feel confident that we are NEXT!!! Yippee!!

2/4/08: * Received "The Call"... We have a daughter!!! Her name is Zhang Bi Shu and she is 8 months old. She is located in the Jiangxi Province. We will travel around late March!! Wooo-hoooo!! Yay God!!!

2/5/08: * Received our packet of pictures and acceptance forms from America World Adoption Association! Our hearts are full!!!

2/6/08: * America World received our signed acceptance letter for our sweet Lilli!!!

2/12/08: * Received Travel Packet Information and Visa Applications from America World. We are officially in Travel Group 132 now! This group includes both LID Group's 243 and 244...

2/14/08: * Faxed over Visa applications, copies of passport photo pages and travel preferences for AWAA's approval.

2/19/08: * Reviewed Vias and travel arrangements with Kristen at AWAA. She handles all travel for our group. We have been told that tentatively we will leave on March 27th to... GO GET OUR GIRL!!!

2/25/08: * We received a very unexpected surprise today... Our agency received Travel Approvals early!!! A Travel Approval (or a "TA") means that we have China's "permission" to come get Lilli!!!! Can you believe it??? After all the delays in our adoption process, we are actually leaving earlier than originally expected. Who'da thought?!!! Our agency says we will "tentatively" leave on March 13th... a whole 2 weeks earlier than expected! We are filled with so much anticipation... we are just about to burst!!! We trust God will prepare us for this amazing, life changing trip in time... because we know EVERYTHING IS IN HIS TIME! We will be in China for Easter... What a miraculous Easter blessing!!! Praise God!!!!